Decorating Apartment Bedroom
One way of using a room divider in your apartment decorating theme is to simply pick flat against the wall. In this way, it will be more likable covering and will cover a much larger area than your typical piece of art work. If you have a really long wall, you can use more than one room divider of the same design. There are plenty of decorative room dividers that will go with almost any decorating theme you've chosen.

Apartments dwellers are often surprised to find out that the lease they have signed strictly prohibits the use of paint of nails on the apartment walls, which presents a huge barrier to decorating their apartments to suit their personal style and tastes. After all, most people sign a year's lease when they rent an apartment. You can still manage to impart your own unique style in an apartment that doesn't allow the use of paint or nails - you simply need to be a bit more creative.

Decorating Apartment Bedroom