Apartment Window

Apartment Window
Apartment Window

Replacing a window in a apartment what is the greatest concern for strata or co-op boards is finding windows that look a like and match the old and new. What is a head ache is waiting even five years can dramatically change the way a window looks purely due to modern upgrades and changes. It is easier with a co-op to coordinated due to the fact that they have the ability to change all the windows at once with the contingency fund. This is even a bigger bonus if the co-op has new windows with a lifetime warranty. It means basically that the pattern will stay through out the building for quite a while.

Apartment strata's tend to have specs of the kind of window they prefer to install and they tend to be prom the windows installer who changed the first set of windows. From experience depending on the volume of communication between the folks in a building or buildings the first window change can be a good one or bad one. Strata councils do not know much about windows so if the first set are a lousy bunch of windows the rest of the building can follow sought without even knowing. As a home owner of your apartment or co-op it is important to communicate with the home who is changing their windows first so that you may get an idea of what your choices are going to be in the future.

Apartment Window

Apartment Window

Apartment Window

Apartment Window

Apartment Window

Apartment Window

Apartment Window
Apartment Window


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