Apartment Wall

Apartment Wall
Apartment Wall

Apartments dwellers are often surprised to find out that the lease they have signed strictly prohibits the use of paint of nails on the apartment walls, which presents a huge barrier to decorating their apartments to suit their personal style and tastes. After all, most people sign a year's lease when they rent an apartment. You can still manage to impart your own unique style in an apartment that doesn't allow the use of paint or nails - you simply need to be a bit more creative.

Apartment Wall

You can make a striped wall using decorative paper tape that is sold in many craft supply stores and art supply stores. This type of tape will stick firmly to the wall and then just peel away when you're tired of it or when you move. Experiment with various widths and colors to give your plain apartment walls a decorative punch.

Apartment Wall

Apartment Wall

Apartment Wall

Apartment Wall

Apartment Wall

Apartment Wall

Apartment Wall


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