Apartment Decorating On A Budget
There's always a temptation to forego decorating because you don't own the space. That may sound logical, but it means your house will never become a home. If you have a good relationship with your landlord, see if you can do a little painting. Otherwise, add artwork to the walls to make them less sterile. You'll be amazed how a little lighting, art and accessorizing will not only make your walls warmer, but make your furniture look more inviting to visitors.
Start thinking of ways to get creative not just with your decorating, but also with your budget. First-time renters and college students usually don't have that much money to blow on furnishing their apartment, so it becomes paramount to find good deals. And no, two cinderblocks and a two-by-four do not constitute a "good deal."
Yard sales, classified ads, antique malls, flea markets, thrift stores and secondhand furniture shops are just a few places you can look to find great deals. Also, let friends and relatives know what pieces you're looking for. You never know who might have a TV or a computer desk they want to get rid of. Making lists will also help you here. If you have a list of the furniture, appliances and accessories you want, it'll be easier to stay focused. And it feels great to cross them off the list when you find them.
Apartment Decorating On A Budget
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